Online Outreach
Every year, thousands of children and adults are systematically forced in the Netherlands to have sex with ‘clients’ for money. The vast majority of the victims remain invisible. Moreover, the visibility of this group is decreasing. One of the reasons is the abuse of the online world by exploiters. Many victims are groomed, abused and/or exploited via the digital world. But it is also the place where victims look for answers, help and a listening ear.
Spine wants to support the fight by seriously investing in the creation of an online outreach. Our dedicated team of care professionals will go digital and proactively seek contact with (potential) victims to offer help and protection. Furthermore, the team consists of professionals from social services, (software) technology and OSINT investigation. Equipped with digital tools, they will get in touch quickly, effectively and proactively with vulnerable groups and (possible) victims of sexual exploitation. Technology will help the professionals to identify and protect the (potential) victims on the internet and social media. Via the victim’s means of communication, the outreach team will offer online care and assistance, ideally before the perpetrators get a chance to do so.
More to follow!